The Fudoshinto Bujutsu Club is providing instruction in Japanese martial arts with a view to self-protection and self-perfection. Class sizes are small, allowing instruction to be personalized to each individual student. The current curricula offered are Danzan Ryu Jujutsu, IBDA Ninpo Taijutsu, and Akban Ninjutsu.

Danzan Ryu (DZR), founded by Seishiro “Henry” Okazaki on the islands of Hawaii, is a practical and comprehensive system covering the full spectrum of fighting, although it is, as one might expect from a jujutsu ryuha, light on the weapon kata. We supplement this system with kata and concepts from other schools such as those contained within the so-called Takamatsuden, the nine schools passed down to Masaaki Hatsumi, founder of the Bujinkan from his teacher, Toshitsugu Takamatsu. DZR has a wide variety of strikes, including finger and knuckle strikes, elbows, knees, boxing-like punches, and many kicks. Throws, take-downs, pins, chokes, and joint-locks applied standing and prone round out this diverse and adaptive style. Complementing this beautifully is the even more diverse Takamatsuden, which we refer to here colloquially as ninjutsu, which is studied utilizing the innovative methods of Akban and its founder, Yossi Sheriff, and the standardized system of Ninpo Taijutsu practice created by International Bujinkan Dojo Association founder, Shihan Richard Van Donk.

Your instructor, Edgar Robertson, has over twenty years of martial arts experience primarily under the tutelage of the late Laurence L. Cary who awarded him a nidan in DZR Jujutsu. Professor Cary, as he was known to his students, also studied ninjutsu under Shihan Ilan Gattegno which is how your instructor was first introduced to the art. He is a member in good standing of Jujitsu America, the premier Danzan Ryu organization, and the International Bujinkan Dojo Association. He is a fully licensed IBDA Shidoshi-ho, and is currently a student of Professor Cary’s son, Sensei Ryan Cary, IBDA Shidoshi Dena Johnson, and Akban’s founder, Yossi Sheriff. Your instructor is devoted to producing great fighters and providing unique opportunities for personal growth.

A slightly younger Edgar Robertson
Tel Aviv, Israel
Professor Cary farthest left with some DZR luminaries at Camp DZR